Package 'servr'

Title: A Simple HTTP Server to Serve Static Files or Dynamic Documents
Description: Start an HTTP server in R to serve static files, or dynamic documents that can be converted to HTML files (e.g., R Markdown) under a given directory.
Authors: Yihui Xie [aut, cre] (<>,, Carson Sievert [ctb], Jesse Anderson [ctb], Ramnath Vaidyanathan [ctb], Romain Lesur [ctb], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Yihui Xie <[email protected]>
License: GPL
Version: 0.32.1
Built: 2025-02-09 06:30:56 UTC

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Generate Basic authentication strings


Combine usernames with passwords with colons, and generate base64-encoded strings to be used for user authentication.


auth_basic(user, password)



A vector of usernames.


A vector of passwords.


A character vector of encoded credentials.


servr::auth_basic("foo", "B@R")

Reopen the last browsed page


If you have launched a page in the browser via servr but closed it later, you may call this function to reopen it.


browse_last(open = TRUE)



Whether to reopen the lastly browsed page. If FALSE, the URL of the previously browsed page will be returned.



Create a server


Create a server with a custom handler to handle the HTTP request.


create_server(..., handler, ws_open = function(ws) NULL)



Arguments to be passed to server_config().


A function that takes the HTTP request and returns a response.


A function to be called back when a WebSocket connection is established (see httpuv::startServer()).


# always return 'Success:' followed by the requested path
s = servr::create_server(handler = function(req) {
    list(status = 200L, body = paste("Success:", req$PATH_INFO))
}, daemon = TRUE)
## Not run: 
browseURL(paste0(s$url, "/hello"))
browseURL(paste0(s$url, "/world"))

## End(Not run)

Utilities for daemonized servers


daemon_list() returns IDs of servers, which can be used to stop the daemonized servers.


daemon_stop(which = daemon_list())




A integer vector of the server IDs; by default, IDs of all existing servers in the current R session obtained from daemon_list(), i.e., all daemon servers will be stopped by default.


The function daemon_list() returns a list of existing server IDs, and daemon_stop() returns an invisible NULL.

Serve static files under a directory


If there is an ‘index.html’ under this directory, it will be displayed; otherwise the list of files is displayed, with links on their names. After we run this function, we can go to ‘⁠http://localhost:port⁠’ to browse the web pages either created from R or read from HTML files.


httd(dir = ".", ..., response = NULL)

httr(dir = ".", ...)

  dir = ".",
  watch = ".",
  pattern = NULL,
  all_files = FALSE,
  filter = NULL,
  handler = NULL,



The root directory to serve.


Server configurations passed to server_config().


A function of the form function(path, res, ...) that takes a file path and server response as input, and return a new response. This can be useful for post-processing the response (for experts only).


A directory under which httw() is to watch for changes. If it is a relative path, it is relative to the dir argument.


A regular expression passed to list.files() to determine the files to watch.


Whether to watch all files including the hidden files.


A function to filter the file paths returned from list.files() (e.g., you can exclude certain files from the watch list).


A function to be called every time any files are changed or added under the directory; its argument is a character vector of the filenames of the files modified or added.


httd() is a static file server by default (its response argument can turn it into a dynamic file server).

httr() is based on httd() with a custom response function that executes R files via xfun::record(), so that you will see the output of an R script as an HTML page. The page will be automatically updated when the R script is modified and saved.

httw() is similar to httd() but watches for changes under the directory: if an HTML file is being viewed in the browser, and any files are modified under the directory, the HTML page will be automatically refreshed.



servr::httd(daemon = TRUE)

Serve R Markdown based websites


R Markdown documents (with the filename extension ‘.Rmd’) are re-compiled using knitr or rmarkdown when necessary (source files are newer than output files), and the HTML pages will be automatically refreshed in the web browser accordingly.


  dir = ".",
  input = c(".", "_source", "_posts"),
  output = c(".", "_posts", "_posts"),
  script = c("Makefile", "build.R"),
  serve = TRUE,
  command = "jekyll build",

rmdv2(dir = ".", script = c("Makefile", "build.R"), in_session = FALSE, ...)

rmdv1(dir = ".", script = c("Makefile", "build.R"), in_session = FALSE, ...)



the root directory of the website


the input directories that contain R Markdown documents (the directories must be relative instead of absolute; same for output directories)


the output directories corresponding to input; for an input document ‘foo.Rmd’ under the directory input[i], its output document ‘’ (or ‘foo.html’) is generated under output[i] if the output document is older than the input document


a Makefile (see make), or (if Makefile not found) the name of an R script to re-build R Markdown documents, which will be executed via command line of the form Rscript build.R arg1 arg2 where build.R is the script specified by this argument, arg1 is the input filename, and arg2 is the output filename; inside the R script, you can use commandArgs(TRUE) to capture c(arg1, arg2), e.g. knitr::knit(commandArgs(TRUE)[1], commandArgs(TRUE)[2]); if this R script is not found, either, internal compiling methods will be used, which are basically knit(), knit2html(), or render()


whether to serve the website; if FALSE, the R Markdown documents and the website will be compiled but not served


a command to build the Jekyll website; by default, it is jekyll build, and you can use alternative commands, such as bundle exec jekyll build


Server configurations passed to server_config().


whether to render the R Markdown documents in the current R session (TRUE) or in a separate new R session (FALSE); if the former, the argument script can be a function with two arguments, the filenames of the source document and the output document, respectively; an internal function (basically rmarkdown::render() or knitr::knit2html()) will be used if the script argument is not a function and in_session = TRUE


The function jekyll() sets up a web server to serve a Jekyll-based website. A connection is established between R and the HTML pages through WebSockets so that R can notify the HTML pages to refresh themselves if any R Markdown documents have been re-compiled.

The functions rmdv1() and rmdv2() are similar to jekyll(), and the only difference is the way to compile R Markdown documents: rmdv1() uses the markdown package (a.k.a R Markdown v1) via knit2html(), and rmdv2() calls render() in the rmarkdown package (a.k.a R Markdown v2).


Apparently jekyll() and rmdv1() require the knitr package, and rmdv2() requires rmarkdown. You have to install them before calling the server functions here.

All R Markdown documents are compiled in separate R sessions by default. If you have any R Markdown documents that should not be compiled as standalone documents (e.g. child documents), you can use different filename extensions, such as ‘.Rmarkdown’.

The baseurl argument does not work in jekyll(), and the base URL setting will be read from ‘_config.yml’ (the ‘⁠baseurl⁠’ field) of the website if present. You should not pass baseurl to the function jekyll() directly.

For the sake of reproducibility, you are recommended to compile each source document in a separate R session (i.e., use the default in_session = FALSE) to make sure they can compile on their own, otherwise the current workspace may affect the evaluation of the code chunks in these source documents. Sometimes it might be useful to compile a document in the current R session. For example, if reading data is time-consuming and it is not convenient to cache it (using the knitr chunk option cache = TRUE), you may read the data once, temporarily turn off the evaluation of that code chunk, and keep on working on the rest of code chunks so that data will not be read over and over again.


R Markdown v1: R Markdown v2: For Jekyll, see The GitHub repository is an example of serving Jekyll websites with servr::jekyll().

See Also

The blogdown package (based on Hugo and R Markdown v2) is a better alternative to Jekyll: I strongly recommend you to try it.


if (interactive()) servr::rmdv1()  # serve the current dir with R Markdown v1
if (interactive()) servr::rmdv2()  # or R Markdown v2

# built-in examples
servr::serve_example("rmd", servr::rmdv1)
servr::serve_example("rmd", servr::rmdv2)

Serve files under a directory based on GNU Make


You can define how and when to rebuild files (such as R Markdown files) using Make rules, e.g. a rule _posts/ _source/%.Rmd with a command to build ‘.Rmd’ to ‘.md’ will be executed if and only if ‘foo.Rmd’ is newer than ‘’. The exit status of the command make -q will decide whether to rebuild files: rebuilding occurs only when the exit code is not 0. When an HTML file has been rebuilt, it will be automatically refreshed in the web browser.


make(dir = ".", ...)



The root directory to serve.


Server configurations passed to server_config().


You must have installed GNU Make to use this function. This is normally not a problem for Linux and OS X users (it should be available by default). For Windows users, you can either install GNU Make, or just install Rtools, which also contains GNU Make.


# some built-in examples (if you are not familiar with make, you can take a
# look at the Makefile of each example)
servr::serve_example("make1", servr::make)
servr::serve_example("make2", servr::make)

Find a random available TCP port


Test a series of random TCP ports from 3000 to 8000 (excluding a few that are considered unsafe by Chrome) and return the first available one. A web server can be later started on this port.


  port = 4321L,
  host = getOption("", ""),
  n = 20,
  exclude = NULL



The preferred port(s).


A string that is a valid IPv4 address that is owned by this server, or "" to listen on all IP addresses.


The maximum number of random ports to be tested.


A vector of port numbers not to be considered.


A port number, or an error if no ports are available.

Create a redirect response


Create a response to redirect to a destination.


redirect(dest, status = 301L)



A destination path.


The status code (usually 301 or 302).



A convenience function to serve examples in this package


Use server functions to serve built-in examples of this package.


serve_example(name, FUN, ..., run = interactive())



the directory name of the example under the directory system.file('examples', package = 'servr')


a server function that takes the example path as its first argument, e.g. httd, or rmdv1


other arguments passed to FUN


whether to run the example (this is mainly for R CMD check purposes: the examples will not be really served when the R session is not interactive, so they will not block R CMD check)


NULL if run = FALSE, otherwise the value returned from FUN().


# R Markdown v1 or v2
servr::serve_example("rmd", servr::rmdv1)
servr::serve_example("rmd", servr::rmdv2)

# GNU Make
servr::serve_example("make1", servr::make)
servr::serve_example("make2", servr::make)

Server configurations


The server functions in this package are configured through this function.


  dir = ".",
  host = getOption("", ""),
  interval = getOption("servr.interval", 1),
  baseurl = "",
  initpath = "",
  hosturl = identity,
  auth = getOption("servr.auth"),
  verbose = TRUE



The root directory to serve.


A string that is a valid IPv4 address that is owned by this server, or "" to listen on all IP addresses.


The TCP port number. If it is not explicitly set, the default value will be looked up in this order: First, the command line argument of the form -pNNNN (N is a digit from 0 to 9). If it was passed to R when R was started, NNNN will be used as the port number. Second, the environment variable R_SERVR_PORT. Third, the global option servr.port (e.g., options(servr.port = 4322)). If none of these command-line arguments, variables, or options were set, the default port will be 4321. If this port is not available, a random available port will be used.


Whether to launch the default web browser. By default, it is TRUE if the R session is interactive(), or when a command line argument -b was passed to R (see commandArgs()). N.B. the RStudio viewer is used as the web browser if available.


Whether to launch a daemonized server (the server does not block the current R session) or a blocking server. By default, it is the global option getOption('servr.daemon') (e.g., you can set options(servr.daemon = TRUE)); if this option was not set, daemon = TRUE if a command line argument -d was passed to R (through Rscript), or the server is running in an interactive R session. Note, however, that even though the server does not block the current R session, it is running in the same single-threaded process. Therefore, if a request is made from this same session, the client and server will block each other. If this is your use case, a better solution is to use a package such as callr to run a servr in a separate process, e.g, rx <- callr::r_bg(function() servr::httd(daemon = FALSE)); do_stuff(); rx$kill() (the do_stuff() function may want to wait a couple of seconds before making requests, to allow the server time to start).


The time interval used to check if an HTML page needs to be rebuilt (by default, it is checked every second).


The base URL (the full URL will be http://host:port/baseurl).


The initial path in the URL (e.g. you can open a specific HTML file initially).


A function that takes the host address and returns a character string to be used in the URL, e.g., function(host) { if (host == '') 'localhost' else host} to convert to localhost in the URL.


A list of the form list(scheme, creds) containing the authentication scheme and credentials. See for more info. Please note that this argument is by no means intended for serious HTTP applications and there is no warranty on security. You should use other dedicated software packages or services if security is important. You have been warned.


Whether to print messages when launching the server.


A list of configuration information of the form list(host, port, start_server = function(app) {}, ...).


# an example of authentication
servr::httd(auth = list(scheme = "Basic", creds = servr::auth_basic("john", "pa$s!")),
    daemon = TRUE)

Serve R Markdown/HTML package vignettes


Serve package vignettes under the ‘vignettes/’ directory. Because the HTML output files should not be included in the source package, this function renders R Markdown/HTML vignettes, displays them in the web browser, and deletes the HTML output files. You will see the HTML output when you click the links on the ‘.Rmd’ or ‘.Rhtml’ files (unlike the static HTTP server, the compiled output instead of the source document is displayed).


vign(dir = ".", ...)



The root directory to serve.


Server configurations passed to server_config().


When developing R packages, you may want to preview your vignettes once in a while. You can certainly click the button in RStudio to do it, but that requires you to install the package and rebuild the vignettes. With this function, your vignette will be rebuilt automatically when you update the source document. Moreover, because the compilation takes place in the current R session, you can take advantage of devtools::load_all() (which has a keyboard shortcut in the RStudio IDE) to reload your package and see the updated vignette in the web browser.


You are supposed to call this function from the root directory of your package. If that is not the case, you should provide the correct path to the ‘vignettes/’ directory of your package to the dir argument.