1. animation::CLELAL09
    The NBA game between CLE Cavaliers and LAL Lakers on Dec 25, 2009
  2. animation::HuSpeech
    Word counts of a speech by the Chinese President Hu
  3. animation::ObamaSpeech
    Word counts of a speech by the US President Obama
  4. animation::iatemp
    Average yearly temperatures in central Iowa
  5. animation::pageview
    Page views from Sep 21, 2007 to Dec 2, 2007 of Yihui's website
  6. animation::pollen
    Synthetic dataset about the geometric features of pollen grains
  7. animation::vanke1127
    Stock prices of Vanke Co., Ltd on 2009/11/27
  8. fun::tagData
    Tag information of Yihui Xie's English blog
  9. MSG::BinormCircle
    Random numbers containing a "circle"
  10. MSG::ChinaLifeEdu
    Life Expectancy and the Number of People with Higher Education in China (2005)
  11. MSG::Export.USCN
    Export of US and China from 1999 to 2004 in US dollars
  12. MSG::PlantCounts
    Number of plants corresponding to altitude
  13. MSG::assists
    Assists between players in CLE and LAL
    table|22 x 22
  14. MSG::canabalt
    The scores of the game Canabalt from Twitter
  15. MSG::gov.cn.pct
    Percentage data in some government websites
  16. MSG::murcia
    Composition of Soil from Murcia Province, Spain
  17. MSG::music
    Attributes of some music clips
  18. MSG::quake6
    Earth quakes from 1973 to 2010
  19. MSG::t.diff
    The differences of P-values in t test assuming equal or unequal variances
  20. MSG::tukeyCount
    Results of a Simulation to Tukey's Fast Test
  21. MSG::tvearn
    Top TV earners